It’s Amazing how They Grow


Today’s blog post is just about how amazing it is to see children grown and learn. They grow so fast and learn so much, it is truly amazing. The mind of a child is something to be marveled.

O turned 18 months a few weeks back, and she has changed so much since her 1st Birthday already. Her hair is starting to grown in really good, and she is picking up it feels like at least one new word a day. She can even follow commands now!

Just last night, I was on the couch, and I asked her to bring me my phone for something. She smiled, walked over to it, and brought it right to me. I was stoked. Of course it is important to be polite and use your “please” and “thank you”s, because that is how we are teaching O to be polite. By being polite to her. She says please and thank you, and it is so adorable.

Children are a gift from God and deserve to be happy and loved. That is all that they need. Just remember that, and enjoy the ride. Toddlers are like their own little circus side show.

Toddlerhood Welcomes You!


From BabyCenter


Find out when to expect the major milestones, like walking, talking,gaining self control, dropping naps, and even writing and drawing.
From Reality
Sleep, once again, gone pushing chairs across the house, yelling, screaming, incessant talking, knowing what she wants and how to get it, learning things you don’t want her to do yet because it dangerous, etc.
Things had gotten to a nice happy schedule resembling life until baby O took the leap into toddlerhood, as I like to call it. While being alot more fun, she can also be alot more less fun. She likes to sit beside me, hold her own PlayStation controller and pretend like she is playing. Then, next thing you know, she is mad at the world throwing her controller and running around crying. I stop my game to see how I can make her happy. She steal my controller and begins eating it. Not cool. 
A new trick of hers in the dishwasher. He has learned to turn it on, and that if it doesn’t make a loud sound, then it didn’t turn on. She also knows to run away after she has turned the knob. Somehow, she has even figured out how to move the locking lever back and forth.
She now loves the fridge as well. You open that door when she is near, and she booking towards the light. She will get in front of it, and start grabbing stuff and throwing it out. Tip: make sure you don’t have anything fragile on the bottom shelf, like eggs, soda, anything easily bruised.
Last night, she learned how to push and pull kitchen chairs. She pushed a table chair all the way to the end of the kitchen, and then pulled it backwards until she got tired. That left the poor chair alone in the prime real estate of the middle of the kitchen. 
Nevertheless; she is an amazing daughter. She picks up on everything so quickly that it is unreal. It reminds me of all those cliches that you hear about watching what you say and do around children. They really can copy you. Its crazy. They are like little robots.
Just like that.