Potty Learning Time


So we are starting to explore the possibility of potty learning with O. Yes, potty learning, not training. We feel that by calling it “training” we demean O as a human. She is a human, not a dog, and you train dogs, and you teach humans.

We have had O a little baby toilet for a while, and we got it out for her. Now every time we go to the bathroom, O comes in and sits on her little potty. It is great. She understands that when she needs to potty, she goes to the potty. However, her little baby toilet is a little short for our super tall baby.

Fortunately we found a nice toddler sized potty for her. This one even has a removable bowl! Makes cleaning it alot easier. She has even used the potty a few times. It really is a great experience and a fun time.