Using Her Words


O has been making me a super proud daddy lately. She is really starting to use her words now. She knows what she wants, and when she wants it. She knows how to get it too. One of her favorite snacks is a stick of string cheese. SHe knows where its kept in the fridge. The only things keeping her from going to town is the fact she has a hard time opening the fridge, and she can’t unwrap it yet.

She has also learned to climb on the table. We can be there sitting, eating dinner, next thing we know, there is a baby standing next to us. She will even reach over to our plates, stick her finger in what ever dip there is and say “yummmmm!” with a big ‘ol smile.

If you are just sitting and doing your own thing, and she wants a cookie snack, or a drink (coconut milk or water) she will stand betweeen the living room and the kitchen, point at the fridge and yell “drink!” It is actually quite adorable. It is also helping me figure out what exactly she wants.

It has also been a great manners exercise. Any time I ask her to do something, I always say please and thank you. When I fill her sippy or gyro bowl, she always says thank you has she toddles away. Its very heart warming to see how sweet and independing she is growing up to be.